Mil Gaspar
History Student - Amateur Photographer - IT Admin - Book Worm

My fascination with History and Technology started from a young age.

Born in 2001, I have been facinated by history and learning about the past from a young age. Reading stories about medieval sieges and roman cities as a child, history and the past remained one of my primary interests and hobbies into adulthood.

Another major passion of mine was technology, particularly computer programming. Starting to teach myself HTML and Visual Basic at the age of 12, I went on to join the Section I at the Lycée des Arts et Métiers, where I obtained my higher education entrance qualification with a specialization in IT and Communication in 2020.

Already before graduation, I realized that I no longer wanted to pursue a career in software engineering as originally planned. I instead opted to prioritize my interest in history and joined Heidelberg University. I now intend on specializing in modern history, using my background in IT to work on processing the wave of digital sources for use in historical research, which began flooding the world since the late 20th century.


One of my favorite passtimes is watching the world through the lens of a camera. Instead of rambling on about it though, I think I'll just let the images tell their own story here.
My photography projects

Curriculum Vitae

28 January 2001
Born in Luxembourg City
Enrolled at Lycée Ermesinde Mersch
2013 - 2017
Project Trickfilm - I took classes in movie animation and videography. I also designed and developed the website for the project (
2017 - 2020
Joined Section I at Lycée des Arts et Métiers. I studied in Highschool with specialization in IT and Communication. About Section I
Graduated from Lycée des Arts et Métiers with specialization in IT and Communication.
2020 -
Enrolled at the University of Heidelberg. I started my Bachelor's degree with a major in history and a minor in political science.
February 2022
Joined the IT team at the Historisches Seminar under the leadership of Dr. Kilian Schultes.
2021 - 2023
Co-authored 'Verborgene Schätze aus Stein - 26 schwergewichtige Exponate im Gewölbekeller des Kurpfälzischen Museums' (Booklet, ed. by Prof. Frieder Hepp and Prof. Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Heidelberg 2023)
See my past publications and unpublished papers...
Stay in touch...